QSP Monitoring
Offering Stormwater QSP Monitoring
Erosion Control Experts (ECE) established a Stormwater Compliance Division in 2017. We have certified teams ready to serve customers from Bakersfield to the San Diego border.
We offer a broad range of storm water management and compliance services. Click below to visit our SWPPP Experts site.
Services Include:
- QSP Stormwater Monitoring & Reporting
- Construction Site Services
- Risk Assessment
- Site Specific SWPPP Development and Permit Registration
- QSD SWPPP Implementation
- Identify discharge points, all phases of construction
- Trackout Plate Ingres/Egress Point Installation and Maintenance
- Post Construction Runoff Control Calculator
- Project Close Out, Various Clean Up Services

The California Stormwater Quality Association
The California Stormwater Quality Association (CASQA) is a nonprofit corporation that advances sustainable stormwater management protective of California water resources. With well over 2,000 members, our membership is comprised of a diverse range of stormwater quality management organizations and individuals, including cities, counties, special districts, federal agencies, state agencies, ports, universities and school districts, wastewater agencies, water suppliers, industries, and consulting firms throughout the state. Collectively, CASQA represents over 34 million people in California. Stormwater compliance requires QSP stormwater monitoring and reporting tasks designed to protect california’s precious water supply.
State-certified DVBEs are eligible for the state’s DVBE Participation Program. The program sets the goal to use DVBEs in at least three percent of the state’s overall annual contract dollars.
State agencies may use a streamlined process known as the “SB/DVBE Option” by contracting directly with a California certified DVBE business for goods, services, information technology and public works projects. The solicitation must be valued at more than $5,000, and the State agency must obtain price quotes from at least two California certified DVBE businesses. For more information, see Government Code Sections 14838.5 and 14838.7.